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How to Order and Shop in French with Ease: Key Phrases You Need

Writer: delwodadelwoda

Even though December is here and the big sales season is behind us, knowing how to order and shop in French at the stores and restaurants in Paris is always a valuable skill. Today, I’ve decided to share some practical tips and phrases that are easy to use in any situation.

Always use VOUS when speaking in a shop

To be polite—and it always helps when asking for service—it’s essential to address the waiter, salesperson, or any service provider using the second-person plural (“vous”) with the appropriate verb conjugation. Additionally, don’t forget to add “s’il vous plaît” at the end of your sentence. It’s a small gesture, but it can make a big difference!

Better to ask politely rather than sound demanding

It’s always better to ask politely rather than sound demanding. Saying “je veux” can come across as abrupt—like a child insisting on a third ice cream from his mother! Instead, in places like bakeries, cafés, restaurants, or any other setting, it’s more courteous to use “je voudrais”, which translates to “I would like.”

How to order food

In a bakery, restaurant, or anywhere you’re ordering food, you can also use phrases such as:

  • “Je vais prendre...” (I’ll take...)

  • “Pour moi…” (For me...)

A waiter bringing an espresso

How to Ask Politely for Free Items

When you want to ask a service provider for something you’re entitled to as a customer—like a jug of tap water, bread at a restaurant, a map at a museum, or even an extra spoon to share a dessert (even if that’s not always customary in France 😉)—the perfect phrase is:

“Je peux avoir… ?” (Can I have…?)

And if you are several people: “On peut avoir… ?” (Can we have…?)

How to ask for the price

In today’s world, prices are almost always displayed, but if they’re not, here are some ways to ask:

  • For a single item: “Combien ça coûte ?” or “C’est combien ?” (a bit less formal).

  • To ask about a specific item: “Combien coûte un sandwich ?”

  • To find out the total cost for several items:

    • “Combien ça fait ?” (How much does it come to?)

    • “Combien je vous dois ?” (How much do I owe you?)

  • At a restaurant, when it’s time to pay, don’t forget to ask for the bill:“L’addition, s’il vous plaît !” (The check, please!)

Finalizing Your Purchase at the Store

When you’ve finished selecting your items, here are some useful phrases:

  • “Je prends ça” (I’ll take this) or “Je prends...” (I’ll take...)

  • To pay: “Je peux payer par carte ?” (Can I pay by card?) or “En espèces” (In cash).

  • To request a gift box: “Je peux avoir un paquet cadeau ?” (Can I have a gift box?)

  • If you need a bag: “Je peux avoir un sac ?” (Can I have a bag?) (Note that in many cases, you may have to pay for it.)

A customer paying with his phone

Last but Not Least: Remember to Be Polite!

When you leave the store or restaurant, finish with a smile and say “Bonne journée” to leave a good impression.

Want to know how to pronounce all of this? Here it is… just for you! 😊

Good luck on your next vacation in France!


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